DSB Management And Associates has been an advocate for clients globally reducing all forms of overhead. In its history it has trained over 200 individuals and companies to master the approaches employed by DSB.




1975 Lewis Lane Orillia, Ontario Canada L3V6H2


Audit Services

DSB Management And Associates offers the following Audit Services; 

“We specialize in discovering the unique nuances of your facility, identifying the niche applications and ultimately saving you money”.

Daryn Bozek, President


Armed with a professionally prepared facility audit, business and plant managers can prepare more accurate budgets, guide fundraising, direct long-range planning and positively influence their accrediting bodies. The audit gives the facility a credible “voice” in the budgeting process, and allows facilities leadership to effectively support their institution’s goals.
A facility audit covers all building systems from HVAC and electrical, to building envelope, elevators, and life safety. It can also address technology, energy conservation strategies, asbestos management, and accessibility.Typical cost = $0.13 per Square foot of facility


Knowing your complete lighting inventory enables you to determine lighting operating and maintenance costs. DSB will develop an entire lighting spreadsheet that wil enable you to monitor savings and inventory, track any updates or retrofit and the costs associated with them.

This is the beginning of a pre and post analysis used in energy conservation. It enables you to control your destiny relative to lighting upgrades and energy conservation. it is a tool we use to assess the performance of any lighting upgrade we complete. Typical Cost = $0.105 per Square foot of facility


An HVAC audit is a component-by-component, system-by-system evaluation of all HVAC equipment. Whereas most maintenance activities focus on making things work, an HVAC audit focuses on making things work properly and efficiently. Typical Cost/SF = $0.1225

Property & Business Tax

Property and Business Tax audits help determine whether your Assessment is fair and equitable relative to similar properties within the vicinity. The problem is as defined in the Act you may have a unique property that may or may not have a similar property within the vicinity. Or you may have a unique set of circumstances or mistakes have been made on your file that have lead to an over assessment. Our audit services discover if there are any potential reductions relative to property value and assessment. We will then represent your case, file on your behalf and in the event of a reduction and or recovery, we will share in the savings 50/50. Registration fee $550 plus court fees and application

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